DS9 to AIJ wont work

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DS9 to AIJ wont work


I was working with several FITS images in DS9 and had tweaked contours,color,scale, etc. etc. necessary for my research and now need to use AIJ for photometry measurements. Unfortunately it seems that I can't export my images in DS9 with my regions, contours, color, and scales to AIJ. I'm very new to AIJ(Just downloaded today and am currently in the midst of reading manual) so I would appreciate any help!!!


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Re: DS9 to AIJ wont work


Hi Chris,

You are unfortunately correct. Currently, it is not possible to import the DS9 regions into AIJ. I do however see the usefulness of that capability, so I have added it to the feature request list. I wish I had more time for coding at the moment, but unfortunately the implementation will not likely be available in the near term.


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Re: DS9 to AIJ wont work


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I agree that it would be very useful, but regardless thank you for letting me know so I wont waste anymore time trying to get my regions over... I did find that AIJ would recognize the regions and listed small labeled apertures near most of my regions, but not the full regions themselves. Thanks again!
