Hi James,
It sounds like you have everything set up correctly, but to make sure, could you send me 4 screen shots: (1) The main DP panel, (2) The General FITS Header Settings panel, and (3) The DP Coordinate Converter Panel after you have reduced a couple of exposures
(just press Pause if needed), and (4) The aperture settings window (i.e. the one shown below)?
On 10/7/2019 7:01 PM, james.lowenthal [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
I've got CCD images made with Maxim DL 5. The FITS headers include OBJCTRA and OBJCTDEC.
I've input those in AIJ Data Processer > General FITS Header Settings > FITS Header Input Settings.
Also in the DP window I've put:
Target Coordinate Source = FITS Header target RA/DEC (J2000)
Observatory Location source = Coordinate Converter manual entry.
In the DPCC window, I've indicated Observatory ID = Smith College's McConnell Observatory
But the RA and DEC of the target do not appear in the DPCC's Standard Coordinates section.
This problem propagates through the rest of multi-aperture photometry, and means that in the measurements table, HJD_MOBS=NaN, I guess because it doesn't know where the target is.
How can I get the DPCC to read the RA and DEC of the target properly from the FITS header?
James Lowenthal