Combine and bin data with AIJ

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Combine and bin data with AIJ

I have 9 transit light curves for same object. How can I combine and bin in 4 minutes intervals this data with AIJ?
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Re: Combine and bin data with AIJ

Hi, unfortunately AIJ does not current bin data into equal time bins, but that feature is on the to-do list. For now you'd need to use another tool like python to read in the measurements table and bin the data into equal time bins. AIJ's current "bin" feature is more appropriately described as the averaging of N adjacent samples, which is essentially binning for single light curves with equally spaced exposure times (i.e. not applicable to what you are trying to do).


On 2/11/2019 6:08 AM, nkaraman [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
I have 9 transit light curves for same object. How can I combine and bin in 4 minutes intervals this data with AIJ?

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