Hi, currently the Plot of Measurements has (by default) a Y axis labeled "rel_flu_T1-0.02 (normalized)". I am able to select the comp stars to show on the plot without a problem, and it is working fine.
However, if I want relative magnitude change on the Y axis, I enable a "Norm/Mag Ref" mode and select "Out Mag" in the y-data panel. I believe that is the correct way to do this, but if I am mistaken please let me know.
The problem I have when I do this is that all plots disappear from the screen. It becomes an empty window. I was able (I do not remember how) to get the plot of T1 back within the window, but for whatever reason, I was not able to get the comp star plots to show on the window again. Is there a simple way to get all stars (T1 and Cn) to show on the plot window again? Thanks!