"Centroid apertures" setting

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"Centroid apertures" setting

On the Aperture Photometry Settings page, there is an option for "Centroid apertures" that can be either checked or unchecked.  If this box is checked, does AIJ center the aperture around the target star on each frame in the series independently as it is running differential photometry?

Sycamore Canyon Observatory
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Re: "Centroid apertures" setting

Yes, although the setting can be changed for each aperture when placing apertures by changing the state of the centroid icon above the image stack. If you are using "previous apertures" in the multi-aperture setup panel, the state of centroiding for each aperture will follow the original centroiding setting that was defined for each aperture when it was placed. An aperture's centroid setting can be changed during the aperture placement process with an <Alt>-click inside the aperture (even if it was a "previous aperture").
