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Can't edit max memory, can't update AIJ

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Can't edit max memory, can't update AIJ

Working on a new iMac running High Sierra (osx 10.13.5).  My account has system privileges.  In downloaded and installed Java.  I downloaded AstroImageJ_v3.2.0_20160201_mac.zip and installed.  I followed the directions on http://www.astro.louisville.edu/software/astroimagej/installation_packages/AstroImageJ_installation_mac.html for installing on Sierra (though I'm running High Sierra).  But I hit a problem when I try to increase the max memory:
AIJ>Edit>Options>Memory & Threads
...gives me the usual pop-up Memory box, with Maximum Memory=658 MB.  I want to change this to 5000MB (I have 8GB of memory).  But the value in the box is unchangeable.  It's not greyed out.  It turns blue when I double-click to select it.  But nothing I type shows up, and it stays at 658.

I tried rebooting and restarting AIJ.

I also can't update AIJ: from Help > Update AstroImageJ I get a popup error:
"No write access: /Applications/AstroimageJ/plugins/Astronomy_.jar"

Thanks for any tips,

James Lowenthal
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Re: Can't edit max memory, can't update AIJ

Hi James,

Follow the workaround in the first post here:

But then your have a text box entry problem for some panels and will need the temporary operation workaround mentioned in the 5th post here (by wvinton):

Sorry, but apple keeps complicating things. We are still trying to find solutions for both problems.


On 9/19/2018 6:51 PM, james.lowenthal [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
Working on a new iMac running High Sierra (osx 10.13.5).  My account has system privileges.  In downloaded and installed Java.  I downloaded AstroImageJ_v3.2.0_20160201_mac.zip and installed.  I followed the directions on http://www.astro.louisville.edu/software/astroimagej/installation_packages/AstroImageJ_installation_mac.html for installing on Sierra (though I'm running High Sierra).  But I hit a problem when I try to increase the max memory:
AIJ>Edit>Options>Memory & Threads
...gives me the usual pop-up Memory box, with Maximum Memory=658 MB.  I want to change this to 5000MB (I have 8GB of memory).  But the value in the box is unchangeable.  It's not greyed out.  It turns blue when I double-click to select it.  But nothing I type shows up, and it stays at 658.

I tried rebooting and restarting AIJ.

I also can't update AIJ: from Help > Update AstroImageJ I get a popup error:
"No write access: /Applications/AstroimageJ/plugins/Astronomy_.jar"

Thanks for any tips,

James Lowenthal

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