Hi -I have a bug report for:
AstroImageJ on Windows 11.
Issue: FIT header keywords that are strings with two consecutive singlequote characters are not handled properly. Sometimes the two single quote characters '' are handled properly as ' and sometimes the second one and the rest of the string is truncated.
This comes up with header keywords that have values like Irish names O'Hara and O'Reilly.
Example: Astronomer uses MaxIm DL Pro 7.1.3 to acquire exoplanet photometric data. Astronomer had set a keyword like OBSERVER or NOTES to have a string with one or more Irish style names in it.
When the FITS image is loaded into AIJ, and Edit FITS Header is used to view the FITS header information, strings that have the two singlequotes are sometimes truncated incorrectly. It seems the editor is treating the first of the pair of singlequote characters as the string terminator, and not checking to see if there is a second singlequote which means it is the literal single quote type character.
Reference: FITS standard Version 4.0: updated 2016 July 22 by the IAUFWG.
Section Single-record string keywords
A single quote is represented within a string as two successive single quotes, e.g., O’HARA =
I've put together a screenshot showing MaxIm's FITS Header window, AIJ's FITS Header, and a hex editor showing the byte values in the FITS file.

Let me know if you need anything further.