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Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

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Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

I was under the impression from my earlier use of AIJ, that AIJ automatically updates the Plot of Measurements when certain input parameters like which comp stars are selected/deselected or when binning is changed.  However, neither V3.4 or V5 seem to do this anymore?  I remember this was a very helpful function for selecting the best comp stars to use in an ensemble!  Am I misremembering something?
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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

You are not misremembering. If you change a comp star in the ref star panel or change a detrending or fit parameter, the plot should automatically update. If there is a scenario where this is not happening, try to capture a screen video and provide a measurements table and plotcfg file that can be used to duplicate the problem. Alternatively, you'll need to explain in great detail the scenario that causes the problem (v3.4 has not changed in many months, so the behavior would not have changed, and no other users have reported the problem with v5).

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

I am experiencing the same problem.

Sycamore Canyon Observatory
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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

In reply to this post by karenacollins
Hi Karen,

This video should help clarify the problems I've been seeing - https://youtu.be/znUzBMhVgjc.

Best regards,

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Karen,

The files you requested have been sent via email.

Best regards,

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Karen,

Further to my comments in the video, I can say if I run AIJ on screen 1, as opposed to screen 2, AIJ window performance is less problematic.  The AIJ windows maximize on the same screen, and fonts are smaller in the dialog boxes so their appearance is better.  So, there is a work around, although, it would be better if the program recognized what screen it is running on and adjusted its operation according.  

Running on screen 1 does not solve the update problem of the Plot of Measurements.

Hope this further information helps a little.

Best regards,

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Gary,

Excellent video! Thank you very much for the time you put into this. As I watch the video, I'm logging the problems you reported here so that we can eventually respond to each item.

1) Windows 10 display scaling set to other than 100% causes poor AIJ text size scaling, which causes various text size problems in the AIJ user interface panels.
==> this is a known problem and we will have a fix released soon

2) The cursor aperture display is offset from the crosshair (another Windows 10 display scaling issue).
==> this is a known problem and we will have a fix released soon

3) Import Image sequence "Browse" file open dialog appears on screen 1, even though the Import Image Sequence panel is on screen 2.
==> Please check that this occurs even after positioning the affected window in the desired position on screen 2 and then closing and reopening the affected window.

4) The DP main panel opens on screen 2 when opened from a toolbar on screen 2 (as intended), but the DP Coordinate Converter panel opens on screen 1. The measurements table display also opens on screen 1 when it pops up. All MP windows open on screen 1 (at least from DP), although the plot itself opens on screen 2.
==> Please check that this occurs even after positioning the affected window in the desired position on screen 2 and then closing and reopening the affected window.

5) Image display maximization from screen 2 causes it to maximize on screen 1, but DP panel maximizes to screen 2 as it should.
==> Weird. We'll have to look into this when we can get a two screen set-up in place for testing.

6) DP dings on every single image that is processed (the mark ignored pixel function is enabled, although only the highest number aperture retains the marked pixels, which shouldn't be the case).
==> You didn't mention this, but I could hear it in your video. It can be very annoying. Kevin hasn't been able to reproduce the problem, so I though maybe it something weird with only my computer. We'll have to look into this further.

7) Changing comp stars doesn't appear to update the plot.
==> We'll look into this using your measurements table and plotcfg files.

8) Let us know if we've missed something that was covered in the video.

Thanks again for this excellent problem report!


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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

My set up is more conventional.  For example, I have only one screen, however I have the identical problem listed as number 7) Changing comp stars does not update the plot.  I am also using Windows 10.
Sycamore Canyon Observatory
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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Karen,

Thanks for your detailed response.

I've sent you another email with the files you requested.

I'll look at the open questions and provide additional feedback.

Best regards,

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Karen,

I tried installing V5.1 beta.  I extracted the zip file and tried to run the application, but while something happened, the application did not start.

Best regards,

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Gary,

This is probably a silly question, but I wanted to make sure of the answer. Did you try starting AIJ directly from the new AstroImageJ.exe file, or from an AIJ link on the Windows taskbar? Also, is v5.1 installed over the old AIJ v5.0 version in the same folder, or were the files in the folder deleted first, or did you use a different folder altogether?

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

Hi Karen,

So, I downloaded the installation package (zip). Extracted it. Copied the extracted folder to my AIJ working folder, where I keep my various versions.  I have a folder for each version.  Then I tried starting directly from the new AstroInage.exe file. So I did not install over 5.0, it's in its own separate folder.

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Re: Automatic Update of Plot of Measurements

We believe that all of the these problems are solved in the new version of AIJ 5.1. Windows users will need to update to (or later) twice so that a new AstroImageJ.exe file will be downloaded (which solves the windows display scaling issues). All other platforms only need to download one time to get all of the new features.