Hi Art,
It really depends on your tracking and guiding performance. If your images do not shift by more than the radius of your aperture, from image to image, you do not need to astronomically calibrate at all. Just make sure to deselect "Use RA/Dec" in the multi-aperture
set-up panel, and then make sure "Centroid" is enabled for each aperture. If your tracking/guiding causes large jumps from one image to the next, you will at least need to plate-solve the first image, and every image after each large jump. In that case make
sure "Use RA/Dec" is enabled, but disable "Stop on RA/Dec error" in the multi-aperture setup panel.
As a note, if you haven't updated to the latest AIJ "daily build", you should if you need need to plate-solve the images. There was a time-out bug that was corrected recently that could be part of the problem.
If you are using Windows, I recommend installing the ansvr local astrometry.net server from here:
With the local server, if you set your approximate pixel scale in the AIJ astrometry setup panel, each plate-solve should then only take 5-8 seconds, instead of the ~40 seconds per image that nova.astrometry.net is currently taking.
On 3/14/2018 6:35 PM, Art Borja [via AstroImageJ] wrote:
I am a first timer attempting to do a light curve for an exoplanet. So forgive me in advance for not using the correct terminology.
I am in the astrometry step and the process would stop at various points of the process. Finally got through most images after repeated attempts. Out of 287 images, some were not astrometrically calibrated. Do I go back and attempt to calibrate those images
or do I set them aside and continue the photometry without them?
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