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Astrometry.net needs more than two attempts

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Astrometry.net needs more than two attempts

Joshua Tan

We were able to upload images to astrometry.net through AIJ, but found that some images need more than two attempts to get a solution. If you submit these through the website, a solution is found, but I cannot see a straightforward way to allow for more attempts when submitting through AIJ. Is there a way to do this?
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Re: Astrometry.net needs more than two attempts

Is this while using version 3.3.1 or later?


On 8/13/2019 5:32 PM, Joshua Tan [via AstroImageJ] wrote:

We were able to upload images to astrometry.net through AIJ, but found that some images need more than two attempts to get a solution. If you submit these through the website, a solution is found, but I cannot see a straightforward way to allow for more attempts when submitting through AIJ. Is there a way to do this?

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Re: Astrometry.net needs more than two attempts

Joshua Tan
As far as I can tell, although we cannot verify that the build went through due to the Plist issue I posted about in the other thread. It seems to have, however, as we are able to avoid the timeout issue after running through the (aborted) update.