AstroimageJ Toolbar is without eight specific icons

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AstroimageJ Toolbar is without eight specific icons


in my case, AstroimageJ Toolbar is without eight specific icons.

P.S. My OS based on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit.

Oleh Malyi

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Re: AstroimageJ Toolbar is without eight specific icons

Hi Oleh,

I see that John Kielkopf helped you, but outside the user forum, so I am adding that info here in case it is helpful to others.

Thanks John for helping Oleh!

From John:
Did you install the complete package from the server?  The updater is there.  I recommend putting it in /usr/local/, then adding a soft link from /usr/local/bin as described in the server.  To run the updater the user must own the directory under which AIJ is installed.  So, install it as root, then "chown -R yourname. user AstroImageJ"  from /usr/local will make that tree your own.

Of course you can install the software anywhere and this is just my preference, but if your machine is used by more than one user it makes sense to keep it with other software and only let one knowledgeable user have the rights to update it.

Response 2:
As root user, in a terminal

cd /usr/local/

chown -R you.user AstroImageJ
where "you.users" is your user and group on your system.  If you are "oleh", it would be "oleh.users".  

Also, in /usr/local/bin/ install this script file called "astroimagej" or if you prefer "aij" containing these lines:

cd /usr/local/AstroImageJ/
java -Xmx32768m -jar /usr/local/AstroImageJ/ij.jar

and as root user in /usr/local/bin/

chmod a+x aij

or chmod a+x astroimagej

This is the program you run.

Now again as a normal user without special privileges you run astroimagej by running this script.  It will then execute from within the directory where your software is installed and everything will work properly.

I suspect you may be trying to run  without the script, which won't do in Linux.

Once AIJ is started, go to the Help drop-down menu and you will see an option to run the updater.

From Oleh:
Many thanks!

My problem is solved.

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Linux code for local plate solving for AstroImageJ

A second question from Oleh:

"Would it be possible to add the code for local plate solving for AstroImageJ?".

What can you say about this feature?

From Karen:

Hi Oleh,
This may be possible in the future, but it will not be a near term offering. However, I notice you instructions to install directly on your linux machine at:

I will also point out that another userand friend have developed a script that they have contributed that should plate solve images using outside AIJ. The results can then be opened in AIJ. That thread is below in case you find it useful. I am not a native linux user, so have not tested the script, but apparently Robert has good results using it:
