AstroImageJ update issue

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AstroImageJ update issue

It appears that when using the update facility under the Help menu the routine goes through the motions but doesn't update the version number as expected. It begs the question as to whether the update has actually taken place? One possible explanation is that the user must have full write/update rights to the AstroImageJ "home" directory. A complete re-installation appears to work as it should. To avoid any update issues it may be advisable to install AstroImageJ under the Documents folder where the user has full write rights by default?
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Re: AstroImageJ update issue

Yes, AIJ needs to be installed in a folder with write-permissions enabled, such as the Documents folder. Otherwise, AIJ is unable to write the newly downloaded update files. Windows 10 started making the programs folders write-protected. This can be changed, but it is much easier to simply install AIJ in the documents folder.
