Aperture Photometry Settings in download vs. in User Gude

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Aperture Photometry Settings in download vs. in User Gude

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I am setting up AstroImageJ for the first time.  On page 32 of the User Guide it instructs me to change the Aperture Photometry Settings from what they defaulted to when I downloaded the latest version of AstroImageJ to what they show in the User Guide.  For example, the User Guide says the "Radius of object aperture" should be set to 30, but the latest version of AstroImageJ has this parameter already set at 25.  Should I change such parameters in AstroImageJ to match the User Guide, or leave them as they are?  Thanks.

Sycamore Canyon Observatory
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Re: Aperture Photometry Settings in download vs. in User Gude

It sounds like you might be a new AIJ. You would often need to change aperture and other settings to be appropriate to your set up. If you haven't already worked through it, I highly recommend Dennis Conti's Transiting Exoplanet Observing guide when getting started.
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Re: Aperture Photometry Settings in download vs. in User Gude

Thanks.  I will read through that.

Sycamore Canyon Observatory