Adding non-numeric valued fits header data to measurement table.

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Adding non-numeric valued fits header data to measurement table.

I have been unable to accomplish this.  Initially, I wanted to add the FILTER to the measurement table.  This showed up as NaN.  I then tried a severalof other items which MaxImDL had placed in the fits header.  It seems the ones with numeric values show up ok, but those with alphanumeric values show up as NaN.

Is this expected?  Am I missing something simple?

Cliff Kotnik

P.S. This is fantastically useful software.
Cliff Kotnik
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Re: Adding non-numeric valued fits header data to measurement table.

Hi Cliff,

Unfortunately, the measurements table can only contain numeric data,
except in the second column titled "Label". That column is used to store
the filename, so the only way to include non-numeric information in the
table is to encode it in the filename of each image. It would be a major
rework to change the measurements table code to be compatible with
non-numeric data, so I don't expect the limitation to change in the near
future. I hope you can find a way to work around that limitation for now.


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Re: Adding non-numeric valued fits header data to measurement table.

Your reply helps a lot.  I'm just beginning to use AIJ and mainly wondered if I was doing something wrong.

I'm sure I can find another way to accomplish what I want.

Cliff Kotnik