AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13

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AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13

It appears as though the upgrade to MacOSX 10.13 creates some problems for AIJ, which may be mosty generic ImageJ problems.  I don't have a complete list by any means, but the most important one (and it's common to generic ImageJ, as well) is that the user can't type in values into dialogue boxes (e.g., when importing a stack of images, specifying the number of images to load (a generic ImageJ function - the same issue appears in generic imageJ, as well - on at least one Mac that upgraded to 10.13, the command menu - File/Edit/View.... didn't appear!) When I checked with a couple of AIJ-specific dialogues (the data reduction facility) I successfully could input values, but when I tried it with the "Set SIMBAD search radius" I was not able to alter the default values.

FYI, upgrading to the most current generic ImageJ version (1.51q) does NOT fix this problem. The ImageJ2 version I had installed also experiences this compatibility issue, and on the ImageJ2 homepage it indicates it can't be upgraded to the current Java 8.  However, (and it was a life-saver!) Fiji appears to work fine (so far at least!).

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Re: AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13


Could you try steps 6,7, and 8 shown here:

and let me know if that resolves the AIJ problem?

If it does not, could you remove your AIJ installation and follow the full set of steps shown at the above link and let
me know if that resolves the problem?

Your testing and input would be much appreciated.

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Re: AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13


I tried the steps you suggested, including doing them after a clean install, and it didn't seem to fix the issue of being able to select and type values into various dialogue boxes (e.g. the "Analyze / Multi-Aperture..." dialogue.)  However, I CAN change values via the sliders in the Multi-Aperture dialogue (as I could before trying your suggestion).

There seems to some conversations on-line about ImageJ not running well on MacOS 10.13 in general - including missing the menu of commands (one of my students ran into the missing menu issue - I didn't, but did experience the typing-in-dialogue issue).

Luckily, Fiji seems to work fine on both of our laptops....

And to clarify, I'm on 2016 MacBook Pro 13" with the touch bar, running MacOS 10.13.
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Re: AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13

Thanks for testing this fix. I have posted a pinned topic warning users to not upgrade to MacOS 10.13 until this issue is resolved.
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Re: AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13

As I reported in a different place in the forum, I have found a work-around for not being able to type into dialogue boxes.   It appears that about the only input mode that doesn't work is via the keyboard - the track pad / mouse allows one to drag and select, click on buttons, drag sliders, and so forth. Thus it's possible to type the desired values into TextEdit, copy the value, and paste it into the dialogue box.
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Re: AIJ broken in MacOSX 10.13

wvinton wrote
Thus it's possible to type the desired values into TextEdit, copy the value, and paste it into the dialogue box.
That is a crafty workaround! Thank you for adding it to this discussion! I have tested it on my machine which runs latest macOS High Sierra (macOS 10.13.5).