AAVSO file format

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AAVSO file format

Serge Bergeron
Does AstroImageJ has an option to export data into the AAVSO format ?
If yes, could I have a small tutorial on How to do it when I obtain the final table of data.
If no... is it possible to add an option to do it.
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Re: AAVSO file format

Hi Serge,

Is your need for exoplanet transit observing, or general contributions of photometric measurements to the AAVSO?

If your are intending to contribute exoplanet observations, the AAVSO is planning to develop an exoplanet database and
the plans are to include in AIJ an option for outputting a file compatible with the file input to this database. It may
be a few months before the new AAVSO file format and AIJ support for it are available though. For further information on
the AAVSO plans, please contact Dennis Conti, Chair of AAVSO's Exoplanet Section, at [hidden email].

I do not currently have plans to support the current AAVSO file format. My understanding is that it has quite a bit of
flexibility and is thus somewhat complex. I could consider implementing a subset of the data format, if that would be
generally useful to the AIJ user community, and someone could help figure out the useful subset.

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Re: AAVSO file format

Serge Bergeron
Thanks Karen for your reply.

Yes, my goal is to contribute to the AAVSO to the CCD photometric measurements and, for sure, I am strongly interested to contribute to the exoplanet databases.  I have just discovered AIJ in a university course and found it very powerful. However, I am not familiar with all aspects but I continue to learn AIJ.

Implementing a subset for the AAVSO data format should be very useful.  Many friends of mine actually currently use AIP4WIN which as an option to format the result into a AAVSO file format including AAVSO observer code etc.  But some of the new potential contributors are not able to obtain AIP4WIN which is no longer available. So AIJ is the perfect solution.

AAVSO file format is described here: https://www.aavso.org/aavso-extended-file-format 
